Why You Need to Revive Your Brand
Let me start by saying this. The world needs what you have. Your poise. Charisma. Your products. Your services. They need You. It's time...

3 Tips to Network Effectively
If there is anything that I know about and just absolutely love, it's networking! I love playing matchmaker for businesses, to...

3 Tips to Network Effectively
If there is anything that I know about and just absolutely love, it's networking! I love playing matchmaker for businesses, to...

Head Shots Are Not Created Equally
I love my clients and the services they bring to West Texas! Each one is uniquely special, and they each bring a service or product that...

Finch Media Co Is A Full Service Agency!
Expanding is necessary to grow a business. Growth and development are all part of the plan! We are excited to announce that we are a full...

Mobile Stimulation and Marketing: Good or Bad?
There is always a controversy on technology and the digital era. Usually it is the millennial and Gen Z'ers who will argue the pro's vs....

What is Coffee + Connections
My Coffee Connections is a network coordinating company for both personal and professional development. We meet, connect, and grow over...

Websites that Convert
Recently I have delved into the topic of websits that convert. Convert whom? Your browsers into clients. Your followers into clients....

Sandhills Session
I am definitely ashamed to say that I had never been to the Monahans Sandhills before last month! Oh my goodness, it is so beautiful! And...

Creativity Unleashed
Sometimes its just good to break free from a schedule, and let out some creativity that doesn't have any agenda. That's exactly what I...