Do You Even Hashtag, Bro?
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Do You Even Hashtag, Bro?

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I find new, fun and intriguing businesses daily on instagram. Both local, and online. Some grab my attention, some really don't.

How do you know if you are one of the ones that don't? Well, first of all do you have great images that are consistent? Would you stop in your tracks to view your pictures and read the caption, or are you posting , just to post?

One of the best ways to get found on instagram are your hashtags! Be mindful of your posts, your content and your hashtags.

You are allowed 30 hashtags per post. So, for example, mine would include geotagging my location with my hashtag, and anything associated with my business, and my city. (#midlandtxphotographer)

If you are on online shop, be thinking of potential customers you could reach with your hashtags. While, I love following and supporting other creatives in my industry, they are not my ideal clients.

Another important aspect of the hashtag game, is that you have several hashtags that havent been used millions of times, because they will get lost very easily among the other millions of users that use that same tag, like (#ootd - outfit of the day).

Instagram is a great search engine to find things in your city, and people that have a common interest as you. If you click the search bar in IG, you will now find that there are categories suggested to fit things that might interest you. This is also important for other users to find YOU!

So, remember, try to use up all 30 hashtags you are allowed for the highest possible reach, find relevant content to relate to those tags,, and just be social on social!

If any of this was over your head, please feel free to get in touch with me! Another general reminder, is that I have Personal Branding Mini Sessions coming up on July 29, 2018 in Midland, TX. These are very affordable, and we will go over social media strategy in your session!

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